Congratulations to the winner of the Richard-Rado Prize 2020: Lisa Sauermann
Due to the Covid19-pandemic, the Symposium on Discrete Mathematic, scheduled for July 10-11, 2020, had to be cancelled. We very much hope to be able to reschedule the symposium for the summer of 2021.
The Richard-Rado Prize 2020 for the best doctoral thesis in Discrete Mathematics completed in the previous two years in or by someone from Germany, Austria, or the German language part of Switzerland goes to Lisa Sauermann, who prepared her dissertation on the topic of Modern Methods in Extremal Combinatorics (to be found here) advised by Prof. Jacob Fox at Stanford University. The prize has been awarded on June 17 during a video conference by the juror, Prof. Eva Tardos (Cornell University), Dr. Martin Peters (Springer, sponsor of the prize), and the executive board of the Special Interest Group Discrete Mathematics (Fachgruppe Diskrete Mathematik) of the German Mathematical Society DMV.